Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Sport of Music?

So we don't have extreme physical activity and exciting violence like football, but musicians are athletes in more ways than one. We must develop mental focus, build endurance, and undergo years of devoted training, just like top athletes. The biggest difference: we sit in a chair all day. Despite the fact that the movements of horn playing in the embouchure and left forearm and hand muscles are very refined, it's still a heck of a lot of activity. Being an asymmetrical instrument, the horn also stresses shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

This level of activity, combined with the relative inactivity of sitting in a chair for six hours a day while you play can be really hard on your body. A simple proposition (besides varying your routine, e.g. stand and play, take breaks, etc.) is to stretch before you play. I never realized how much of a difference it could make until I actually began to do it everyday before I play. I have mostly alleviated the pain in my hands and shoulders by adding stretches to my warm up routine, and when I get lazy and skip it, I feel the burn later.

The routine I go through only takes about 5 minutes, and it preps me for the rest of the day. Most of these are the kinds of stretches you learned as a kid in PE class, so you're probably already familiar with most of them. Make sure to hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds, or it won't be effective. Never push too far when stretching or you may injure yourself. Huge disclaimer: I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR! That said, stretches I like to do include:
1. Roll your neck clockwise. Repeat counterclockwise.
2. Circle your shoulders forward. Repeat circling backwards.
3. Draw one arm across the front, palm towards you and thumb up. Repeat other side.
4. Raise one arm above your head, bending at the elbow and placing your hand on your back. Gently apply pressure to the elbow with the other hand.
5. Roll your wrists clockwise. Repeat counterclockwise.
6. Stretch the muscles of your forearm by gently applying pressure with the opposite hand as you bend your wrist in towards your body, then away from your body.
7. Extend your arms above your head, keeping your hips centered and leaning to one side to stretch the side abdominal muscles. After stretching each side, pivot at the hips and extend downward to stretch the lower back.
I feel like stretching has really helped my energy level throughout days with many rehearsals. It reduces my overall level of fatigue and is a great way to get focused on what I'm about to be doing, i.e. practicing. Pausing during practice for a quick re-stretch is also a great way to refocus. You can take a break for your face AND recenter your brain all at the same time. We may not be athletes, but performing music can place great demands on our bodies, and preparing for those demands will make them easier to meet when they come along.

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